To improve cancer treatment outcomes and advance the care of cancer patients, the canSERV consortium, including the EU-AMRI partners BBMRI, EATRIS, and ECRIN, invites cancer researchers world-wide to apply for free access to cutting-edge transnational research services and training.
As part of the EU Cancer Mission, canSERV strives to accelerate oncology research to foster precision medicine for the benefit of patients across Europe. To this end, a budget of 600 000€ has been allocated for a new Challenge-driven Call for Service Provision “Revolutionising Cancer Patient Care: Innovative Approaches to Research and Clinical Trials for Improving Treatment Outcomes”.
canSERV offers more than 400 innovative cancer research services. In this Challenge-Driven Call, a minimum of two services from the canSERV Service Catalogue should be requested. Training is considered a separate additional service.
To learn more about the projet and this call, please visit the canSERV website.