On the morning of 5 April 2022 EU-AMRI was formally launched in Brussels with a live broadcast hosted by Vivienne Parry.
Over 140 online guests tuned in to watch a keynote address from Professor Walter Ricciardi (former Chair of the Cancer Mission Board), who kicked off this special event by stressing on the importance of leadership and joining forces to tackle complex health challenges, such as Cancer.
EU-AMRI representatives, Toni Andreu (EATRIS), Jens Habermann (BBMRI) and Jacques Demotes (ECRIN), took the audience through the EU-AMRI journey which started back in 2018. They highlighted the need for their infrastructures to join forces with other organisations which share a similar vision for the European Research Area: accelerate patient-centric biomedical research. Finally, they provided examples of the outputs already produced by the Alliance and shared their outlook on the future impact of the initiative on researchers and policy-markers, and more importantly, patients.
Five additional panellists, representing policy-makers, funders and patients, joined EU-AMRI leaders for a vivid conversation on the future of biomedical research:
Executive Director, Innovative Health Initiative "I love this idea of connectivity and looking for the overlap. I believe that quality and standardisation will be key for EU-AMRI." |
Director of ERA and Innovation, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission "We must communicate and listen to European citizens. Science communication works best when collaborating with the scientists themselves." |
Director from the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics, and the former Chair of the ESFRI Health and Food Strategic Working Group "Research infrastructures are perfectly positioned to co-work at the frontier of science and industry." |
Executive Director, European Patients’ Forum "The closer we are to the patients, the easier it is to build trust. At the European Patients’ Forum we have the expertise and network in the patient community to co-create resources." |
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Czechia "I hope that EU-AMRI will become a leading example and many will follow this path in the future." |
Professor of Hygiene and Public Health at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, and former Chair of the Cancer Mission Board. "We must work together - if we work in silos we will never reach our targets." Download Professor Walter Ricciardi's keynote address. |
The panel discussion provided our panellists the opportunity to tackle a wide range of highly relevant topics in the European Research Area today, from open science and the importance of science communication, pandemic preparedness to the impact of research and EU-AMRI on patients, and the importance of safeguarding quality and reproducibility of biomedical research. More importantly, panellists welcomed the EU-AMRI initiative while openly communicating their high expectations from the Alliance in the years to come, notably to accompany Europe’s digital transformation and build trust with patients.
To review the full EU-AMRI Launch Event (or parts of it), please see the video on YouTube.
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