Multi-stakeholder Workshop on Implementing "Good Lay Summary Practice"

ECRIN contributed to the Roadmap Initiative for GLSP, led by EFGCP and EFPIA, which brought together experts from over 60 academic, industry, patient organisations and not for profits to develop this framework. The aim of which is to develop a pragmatic, broadly accepted framework for Lay Summary planning, development, translation and dissemination.

Join ECRIN and the many other members of the Roadmap initiative for 3 virtual afternoons. Key content on GLSP and hopes & hurdles of implementation will be presented on Day 1. Day 2 will be organised into breakout groups to work on concrete proposals and on how to best prepare our communities for the particularly challenging aspects of GLSP. Day 3 will share the results of the break-out sessions and open them to further discussion. It will also include conclusions proposed to inspire the European Commission's and the Roadmap's second important objective: the implementation of GLSP in clinical research daily practice including training opportunities for all stakeholders.
